Lillian Rose Chesak

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Lillian, Meet your Daddy

Chris' latest article for the Idaho Statesman is about meeting Lillian and learning what this fatherhood thing is all about. To read it, go to: (or just go to and search 'chesak').

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Dad, home on leave, gives 'Lilli Bean' a smooch, his first ever, just after getting off the plane(s) from Iraq.  Posted by Hello

Dad's first feeding (of pumped breast milk) during a cookout. Posted by Hello

First family meal. Posted by Hello

Dad's first diaper change. Posted by Hello

Mmm... books are tasty! Posted by Hello

Aw! Posted by Hello

Lillian in repose... and contemplating a hostile takeover of the entire planet. Posted by Hello

Wesleyan buddy Jason DeGeorge flies in from a business trip to Seattle to get some Lilli lovin'. Posted by Hello

Toes, I love to eat my toes! Posted by Hello

Family resemblance? What family resemblance? Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Sally and Lilli relax on the swing on our backyard patio. Posted by Hello

Sally mowing the lawn with our reel mower, Lillian observes (so she can start mowing soon for us). Posted by Hello

First family photo ever! Taken at the Boise airport on 28 April, just moments after Chris met Lillian for the first time. Note the 'super daddy' sticker that Chris is wearing. Lilli sent it to him in Iraq on his birthday.  Posted by Hello